


Hi ! Welcome to The Yummy Traveler 's Blog! 
This is a blog focusing on Restaurant and Travel Guide. So if you are a person who's looking for some new recommendations around town, or maybe you are an expatriates who wanna know more about gastronomy (especially in Jakarta), you are in the right place! :) 
Besides the food review, I also add the ambiance of the restaurant and also the price. I hope this blog would give enough information for the readers!
Started in 2008, I change my blog from daily blabber's blog into food blog in 2010. My decision was right, I found my true love in here ! This blog is made because of a passion of exploring and tasting new eateries and food, also a passion of writing and snapping food photos. 

Why you name it Yummy Traveler?
 It's simply because I'm a traveler myself. I'm a person who likes to explore, likes to look for something new. Well, it applies to food too :p

Why in English?
 Yes even though most of my post is in Jakarta ( Indonesia ), but I want people from outside my country knows Indonesian Gastronomy too. Even though I don't have the best English ( Yes, grammar ! -___-" ) but I try my best !

Hope you enjoy my writings and I hope this blog helping you to taste and experience all the delicious food around Indonesia and the W O R L D ( Yes, in the future ;p) ! I'm open to any suggestion! Feel free to email me anytime :)

"Life is too short to eat crap!" - Jamie Oliver.

About The Author

Hi! My name is Natasha. V. Lucas, based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I'm a Food Stylist / Photographer, Food and Beverages Consultant, Food Writer / Contributor , Culinary TV Host, Social Media Manager.

 Qubicle Show - NET TV

Featured on Femina Magazine

Author of Top Tables Indonesia

Recipe/Styling Contributing for Cosmopolitan Magazine

Yummy Traveler TV Show at Foodie Channel

Recipe/Styling Contributing for Femina Magazine

Contact Me !

Email       :
Twitter/ Instagram    :  @nvicl