

Friday, August 26, 2016

Recipe : Gluten Free Moringa Pancakes with Figs, Blueberries, Walnuts and Honey

Looking for a gluten free recipe with extra nutrients? Try this !

Healty food are drawing my attention lately. With more and more available options here in supermarket around Jakarta, it's surely makes me excited to try more on cooking healthy food. My latest finding is Moringa powder. Have you heard about Moringa lately ? It's been called as the next Superfood !

Fresh Figs and Self-made Plates and Glass from my last Pottery Class

Moringa oleifera, is actually very common in Indonesia. We usually called it 'Daun Kelor' and we even had a proverb of it! "Dunia tak selebar daun kelor!" ( literally means "it's a small- small world" lols ). So I kind of excited how this common plant in Indonesia is actually been called as a Superfood !

I opted for a powder type of Moringa, since it's easier to mix in your daily juice or smoothies, or even, baking ! The powder is actually had that similar 'vegetal' taste of Green Tea, and it could used as natural food coloring as well. Moringa is rich in Vitamins, Mineral and Amino Acids. It could fights inflammation, toxins, free radicals, and it's been said that it could cure cancer and diabetes. Powerful huh!

So why not put some moringa powder on your pancakes or other food, right ? So without further ado, let's get cooking !

Gluten Free Moringa Pancakes 
with Fresh Figs, Blueberries, Toasted Walnuts and Honey

Serves  : 6 Medium-Size Pancakes

Ingredients :
1 1/4 cups Gluten Free Flour
3 Eggs ( separate egg whites and yolks )
1tsp Baking Powder
3tbsp Moringa Powder
3tbsp Sugar
3tbsp Butter ( melted )
1cup Milk
Pinch of Salt

2 Fresh Figs
1/4 cups Blueberries
1/4 cups Walnuts 
1/4 cups Honey

1.  In a separate bowl, makes meringue by whipping egg whites until hard peak.
2. Mix the wet ingredients which is Egg Yolks, Milk and Butter
3. Mix the dry ingredients which is GF flour, Moringa Powder, Sugar, Salt, Baking Powder
4. Mix together the dry and wet ingredients, and then gently mix in the meringue. Don't over whipped it !
5. On a medium heat of pan, pour the mixture using a laddle, and flip after you see some bubbles on top. Usually 2-3mins per sides
6. Crush the walnuts into small pieces, and lightly toasted it on pan. Without oil! 
7. Layer the pancakes and add figs, blueberries and walnuts. Poured some honey on top, and enjoy!


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