

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Jakarta : AMKC Atelier

The new it- restaurant in Plaza Indonesia !

Finally..... I got time to blog again. Oh my.... ! Work has been so crazy lately, and I do feel bad I haven't write post for a longgg time. If you following my instagram, you will see my daily updates, but not so much on the blog. 

Yes this new restaurant has been the talk- of-the town. AMKC stands for Adhika Maxi and Karen Carlotta, they're both a chef-couple whose already successful with their creations in Union. Now they're comes up with new refined dishes, and also, delish cakes !

That time I already full, so I met my blogger friend for impromptu meeting at this place. Of courseeee we're going for their enticing cakes, which is a rendition of Indonesian classic dessert! In here you could opted for Martabak Cake, Pisang Ijo Cake, Es Teler Cake and so on! 

That time we opted for their Es Teler Cake - IDR 55.000,-. Es Teler is a classic Indonesian Shaved- Ice Dessert, which has Avocado, Coconut and Jackfruit content in it. It is my personal favorite shaved ice besides 'Ice Campur'. So basically the cake consisting the 3 of those fruits! I love the soft and fluffy textures of the sponge cake, and the cream was quite light. I could say... it's perfectly executed. You definitely reminded of Es Teler when you eat this cake.

Next one is the compliment from the chef, Pavlova Cake. This cake definitely not like a usual Pavlova, because the texture is sooo soft. Usually you will get the crunchy outer on your Pavlova, but this one is a bit different. It was soft and a bit gooey in the inside. I love how balance this one is! Not too sweet and the fresh fruits inside really balance the sweetness. I love the 'element of surprise' in this cake which is Habanero ! Yessss, when you bite it, you will taste a bit of spiciness in your throat. Interesting !

I also curious about this menu which is Black Truffle Choux - IDR 70.000,-, so I order one ! I have a huge crush with truffle, so anything with it, I'm easy-to-please. Lols. So basically this is a Choux with mushroom truffle cream inside. The truffle, I found it very subtle, which I prefer when it's more stronger. But overall, it's good.

The next visit, I tried their Pisang Ijo Cake - IDR 55.000,-. This one is very cute-looking! Because of the pastel colors. Pisang Ijo is a classic dessert from Makassar, and it's been a huge trend here in Jakarta. So this cake has those banana filling inside. I couldn't taste the other elements besides the banana, but again, the texture of the sponge is really soft!

In here you also could enjoy coffee by Ombe Koffie. 

AMKC Atelier
Level 1 #E017, Plaza Indonesia
Jl MH Thamrin, Jakarta
Phone : 021 29924357
Instagram  : @Amkcatelier


More Food and Travel updates ? Follow me on Instagram and Snapchat :  @nvicl

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