

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Surabaya : Food Tasting : Madame Chang

Healthy yet simple Food in Surabaya!

During my visit to Surabaya, I got a chance to visit this restaurant. At first, I don't have any idea what's this restaurant about, but I've heard that they serve healthy yet simple dishes. I'm always into healthy food, since as a foodies, I always 'eat hard' lolss.... So sometimes I just have to balance it!

Madame Chang is quite spacious! I came around lunch time and it was packed ! The interior was quite simple and homey, and I think it's perfect for families. 

As I mentioned before, food here is not complicated. Just simple and something that the owner also like. Everything is freshly made and they made it from scratch! That's why they can say their products was healthy, because they doing all the process by themselves ! I always  respect the restaurant with such passion and dedication like this. First thing to try is Madame Chang's Rolls with Special Sauce - IDR 28.000,-. I do loving thissss! It's made perfectly just like an authentic Vietnamese Spring Rolls. The thing about this rolls is usually a bit bland right? That's why they add their 'housemade sauce' for this rolls. The sauce was tasted a bit salty and savory, and the flavor was matched the rolls. 

Next is, Madame Chang's Dragon Ball aka Pentol Elite - IDR 18.000,-. 'Pentol' is the Surabayan terms of 'Bakso' ( Indonesian Meatballs ). Since they made their own 'Bakso', of course the ratio of meat and cornstarch is different with the one that usually sold on the streets. It's meaty yet it's still have that 'chewie' texture. What I love is they also served the condiments like chilies, lime, fried shallots, on the table! So you can customize the condiments according to your liking !

Another thing to like from Madame Chang is they also had the herbal desserts! Such as this Cheng Teng - IDR 25.000,-. Oh my... the weather in Surabaya is hotter than Jakarta, and this, it's just so refreshing and soothing because it's served cold ! It's not too sweet, and I love the textures from the white fungus.

In Madame Chang, they also served many herbal drinks ! And the healthy Almond Milk as well ! First I had this Alang-Alang Ijo - IDR 13.000,-. Akar Alang- Alang is a roots of Speargrass or Cogongrass, in Indonesia, it's well known with its herbal cure such as dehydration or kidney problem.

Rosella Tea - IDR 12.000,-. Bit sour taste that makes this drinks very refreshing!

Yummy Soursop - IDR 18.000,-. Again, it's very refreshing with its strong soursop taste.

Madame Chang
Jl. Raya Darmo Permai 1 no. 15,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Phone : +62317311970
Facebook : Madame Chang SBY
Instagram : @Madame_Chang


For more Food and Travel Updates, Follow my Instagram @nvicl


  1. Hi,

    At first, thank you for guiding. I'm sure people who travel a lot would love this.

    All human beings must take care of their health because health and love are the only two things that can't be bought with money.

    Good health always comes with good food.

    If you are not eating healthy food, then it will become harder to keep perfect health.

    For this, it's vital to eat organic food like Moringa.

    Moringa is a miracle tree. I have been using this since the last year. The leaves and seeds of this tree contain a lot of healthful compounds.

    Moringa has more calcium than milk.

    More potassium than bananas.

    More protein than yogurt.

    More vitamin A than carrots.

    More iron than spinach.

    So in short, if you are taking the best moringa powder daily it will help in:

    1- Brain health
    2- Stomach health
    3- Liver health
    4- Skin health
    5- Hair health
    6- Diabetes
    7- Cholesterol
    8- Bones health
    9- Immunity
    10- Breast milk production

    So as a traveler, if you cannot find good food, keep moringa powder with you.

    You can use it with salad, smoothies, juices, yogurt, and various baking recipes.

    It's always good to eat natural food so that you can keep perfect health.

    Anyhow, thank you for running a great blog about healthy food. Keep sharing good stuff like this, and I wish you loads of success.

    In the end, I request to share the benefits of eating organic food in your next post.

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  3. artikel ini sangat membantu sekali . oh iya ak mau kasi tau juga artikel yang ku baca nih gan bagus lho SepakBola

  4. bermanfaat banget ini artikel , terima kasih buat artikel ini yang sudah sangat membantu Kesehatan
