

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Union Deli

There's a new place in townnnn ! I bet you already heard the hype of Union Deli - Grand Indonesia don't you ?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Drinks Tasting : Bintang Radler

Merry Christmas e veryone ! Glad to spend another year with this blog and hopefully The Yummy Traveler will continue to explore other delicacies ( in the wholeeee world ) next year !

Monday, December 15, 2014

Recipe : Soft Gingerbread Cake With Walnuts and Creamcheese Frosting

Christmas is coming soon! It's always my favorite time of the year, because it's a month of celebration and joy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bandung : Food Tasting : Purnawarman Restaurant at Hilton Hotel Bandung

Couple weeks ago, me and several food bloggers friends was invited by Hilton Bandung to enjoy some of their hospitality and delicacies. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Weekend Brunch at Cork and Screw

Weekend is meant for waking up late and chilling, right? After a hectic weekdays, usually we love to sleep more longer or just enjoying our time off- work.

So yeah, it's kind of habit now to have a 'brunch' on weekends, because we usually skipping breakfast time. And you know, right now Jakartans having those kind of habit, which is 'brunch cantik', eating out for a good brunch, yes ? 

Now the question will go down to, which place in Jakarta that's best to have some brunch ? You might not expecting this, but now, Cork and Screw serving 'weekend brunch' promo to address your needs!

So last time, I was invited to try this 'Weekend Brunch' at Cork and Screw, Plaza Indonesia. Yes, maybe you already know that Cork and Screw is the place for having good wines and drinks. But the semi-outdoor space that they have here was full of natural light and lovely. It's just a perfect spot for having brunch !

For the food, they serve a special 'Weekend Brunch' menu. That time we opted for Shakshouka - IDR 130.000,-. I love this Shakshouka !! The egg was perfectly poached, the Lamb Merguez ( sausage ) was adding a depth flavor to the tomato sauce. It was light, but full of flavor !

If you're a bit hungry, you can opted for this Tenderloin Steak - IDR 130.000,-. Yes it's also comes with 2 sunny side up. I don't know why, but eating a beef with egg it's just a nice combo for me. The steak was quite tender even though was cooked a bit well done. And the 'cubed' home-fries also tasted nice.

Cork and Screw also serving this 'Omelette Station' for weekend! We just looooveeee omelette for breakfast right?? In here you can just pay for IDR 120.000,-, then you'll get of 4 selections of toppings that you want. That time I'm opted for Cream Cheese, Smoked Salmon, Tomatoes and Mushroom. Love the fluffy texture. 

Looking for something sweet ? Besides the French Toast or Granola, you can opted for this Frangipane Fresh Fruit Tarts - IDR 70.000,-. It was really nice! Love the freshness of the fruits, the pastry crust also nice and crumbly. And they serve it with lovely custard sauce. Light and refreshing !

For the drinks, you can try their Fresh Shaken Juices. That time we opted for Spiced Dragon Fruit - IDR 45.000,- and Morning Booster - IDR 45.000,-. Love the unique taste of the Spiced Dragon Fruit one, while the Morning Booster was packed with ginger flavor. 

Oh, they also serves 'Bottomless Champagne' which is a free flow of Barons De Rothschild Champagne only for IDR 850.000,-. But that time we've been served with a nice and refreshing Bellini. 

I could say Cork and Screw now could be a spot for having brunch now ! Lovely food and ambience ( also warm hospitality! ) would brighten up your weekend, yes ? 
So once again, thanks Azis and Cork and Screw for having me. I have a good time !

Cork and Screw
Plaza Indonesia, 1st Floor,
Jl. M. H. Thamrin Kav 28-30, Central Jakarta
Phone : ( 021 ) 3199 6659

Wisma Kodel, Ground Floor,
Jl. Rasuna Said Kav B- S, Jakarta
Phone : ( 021 ) 5290 2030

Facebook : Cork and Screw
Instagram : @Corknscrew

Friday, November 21, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Shirayuki

As a sweet-tooth, I have always found joy whenever I'm visiting a dessert place. So when I heard Shirayuki just opened in PIK area, immediately I say yes to come !

Shirayuki feels a bit petite since they was very packed with customers. But it's cozy enough and decorate well.

Before I'm bursting you with mouthwatering desserts, let's start with their savory menu first! Yes they had savory menu as well, so if you're not a sweet-tooth, you can opted for these menu instead. Shirayuki served Kushikatsu - style dishes. Which is Japanese Kushiyaki but the meat or veggies are deep fried. You can order a Set ( from IDR 38.000 - 41.000,- ), or a la carte. That time I've tried their Spicy Lotus Root, which is realllyyyyy good! The crunchy lotus root was served with cabe ijo ( indonesian style green chilies ), which very interesting for me. The Tomato and Cheese one also really good. Oh they also served the Kushikatsu with dipping sauce which make it even better.

Next interesting menu is Cabe Ijo Bianco - IDR 41.000,-. Usually this kind of fusion menu didn't work because it ends up taste like 'mie goreng'. But not this one ! Their cabe ijo is really good! Love the spiciness !

Next is Salmon Cream Soup Spaghetti - IDR 55.000,-. Not to be confused with carbonara, this spaghetti is really comes with a soup! I found it strange to be honest, but the flavor was good. Love how they put some veggies in it too. But it's still unusual to my tongue :p

Ok now shall we start the sweet-sweet stuff ? Shirayuki served MANY desserts. You might be confuse which one to order. But let's start with their signature first. Dreamy Pink - IDR 37.000,-. Yes this wowsome dessert was served with huge cotton candy that looks like a tree, also with warabi mochi and soft-serve ice cream. I love their warabi mochiiiiii ! So soft and flimsy ! Love love !

Next one is Premium Blueberry Yukidaruma - IDR 48.000,-. How cute the presentation was ! This one also served with candy mochi, fruits and 1/2 Ice Mochi. I'm loving the Ice Mochi ! The skin was so soft. But however, this one is very watery since it contains a lots of shaved ice. You better enjoy it quick!

Bailey's Kanten - IDR 36.000,-. Again, the presentation was interesting with the 'tools' to shaved the jelly. This one served with baileys and soft-serve ice cream . It was nice ! Well... since it's Baileys ! :p

Fried Crunchy Choco Ball Fusion set with Marshmallow - IDR 35.000,-. In Shirayuki you can opted for Matcha or Kashoku ( some Japanese beans ) or both ! This one served with choco ball which dense and packed with chocolate flavor. 

For Kakigori ( shaved ice) option, Irish Cafe with Vanilla Ice Cream - IDR 33.000,- and Manic Matcha with Matcha Ice Cream - IDR 40.000,-. This one served with Stuffed Mochi, Jelly, Mixed Nuts, Almond. The Stuffed Mochi was my favorite! The filling was crunchy so it's really enjoyable. Love the mixed nuts as well! The Irish Cafe one was my favorite.

For some pretty parfait, Yoghurt Parfait - IDR 38.000,- and Matcha Parfait - IDR 38.000,-. The yoghurt parfait was served with Yoghurt Ice Cream, Fruit Sorbet, Fruit Jelly, Coconut Jelly and Muesli and Cornflakes. It was really refreshing! If you like some fruity dessert, go for this one ! And the matcha parfait was served with Jelly, Mochi, Ogura and Cornflakes.

For some Parfait with Soft Ice Cream, you can opted for this Shiratama Matcha Parfait - IDR 35.000,-. The difference is they served this one with crispy crepes, and of course the soft serve ice cream.

For drinks you can try this Kashoku Ice Latte - IDR 30.000,- It was served with milky ice, and the drinks taste very nutty !

Once again, congrats Shirayuki for the opening, and thanks Marina for having me !

Rukan Emerald ( near Market City ) , Jl Raya Pantai Indah Kapuk, 
PIK , North Jakarta
Phone ( 021 ) 2970 4981

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Kiyadon at Baywalk Mall

Have you been to this new mall in North Jakarta area ? Not like ordinary mall, this one actually offer a nice sea view! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Miyama at Hotel Borobudur

Japanese food is always my personal favorite. I could eat it everyday and never get bored. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Marutama Ramen

Two weeks ago, me and my several food bloggers friends been invited to Marutama to taste some of their new menu.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Jakarta : Sophie Authentique French Bakery

Maybe many of you had already known the petite Authentique French Bakery in Kemang. But yes, they're expanding to this new branch, bigger and better.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

London : Kerb Food : Another Level of Street Food

As Indonesian, I always love street food ! We have soooo many street food around and despite the level of hygiene are doubtful, we still enjoying the food on the streets.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

London : Look Mum No Hands!

On the last day of my trip to London, I look for the last coffee shop to visit and to have some breakfast. After figuring the location, seems Look Mum No Hands! is the best option. I've heard about this coffee shop before, and I think they had a catchy name :p

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bali : Monsieur Spoon

From my last trip to Bali, me and my friends booked a villa around Canggu area. And when I pass this french bakery, the name does rings a bell to me. After I google it ( yeah I googled everything :p ) I just found out that this place is one of the best bakery in Bali!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jakarta : Food Tasting : Bruschetta at Borobudur Hotel

Borobudur Hotel was an iconic hotel here in Jakarta. With it's long and established reputations, this five stars hotel also offers great dining experiences, especially their legendary Sop Buntut from Bogor Cafe. That day I was invited to try their Italian restaurant, Bruschetta. I always love Italian food, so I'm definitely looking forward for a great lunch here.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bali : Food Tasting : Cuca

I always wanna visit Cuca after I got an email from Kevin and Virginia, the owner/chef, before they're about to open last year. I kind of fascinated with their passion and concept, and it's clearly reflected when I had my first visit couple days ago.

This sign made with Nails !!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bandung : Gan Bei

Back to my short trip to Bandung, I've heard about this restaurant for quite some time before and I'm curious to try. Gan Bei serve Asian dishes, so it's a good choice between the many western restaurant that keeps coming in Bandung. 

Gan Bei was quite spacious. I love their quirky decor and mural. I also love their semi-indoor areas. It's calm and relaxing!

For starter we opted for Thai Beef Salad - IDR 40.000,-. The portion was quite generous and the flavor was nice. Love it!

Crispy Stripped Chicken with Garam Masala - IDR 42.500,-. This one also enjoyable too. Love the chili bits on it.

Crispy Pork Belly with Nam Pla Prik - IDR 80.000,-. The crust was crispy enough, and the meat was tender. It's actually really good too!

Pong Curry Fried Rice - IDR 37.500,-. It was savory enough, but I think the curry flavor needs to be more kickin'.

For dessert, we get a complimentary Thai Cassava. 

And drinks.
Chocolate Hazelnut - IDR 28.000,-

Calamansi with Sour Plum - IDR 30.000

Gan Bei
Jl. Hegarmanah 12, Bandung
Phone : (022) 2041133
Facebook : Gan Bei
Twitter : @GanbeiKitchen