

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Le Café Gourmand Jakarta Opening Night

Couple of weeks ago I was invited by @inijie and @danieldeka to attend opening of this new cafe at Gunawarman. I could say I had fun that day, because I get to meet my foodie friends and also new people from F&B world. The first talk to begin with was the food, then we talk about tea, then coffee, and then chocolate. Oh my.... That's a lot ! but it's good to have your knowledge grow isn't it!

Le Café Gourmand first starting their business at Surabaya, now they spread their wings in Jakarta. It's quite ambitious isn't it, since Rodney Glick from Seniman Kopi Ubud and tea expert, Ratna Soemantri are behind them. So here are some sneak peak of what we're having on that day.

For coffee, I opted for Ethiopia Yirgacheffe brewed in Siphon - IDR 40.000. It was quite good actually. Fruity, light bodied and bit floral. They're also served other Single Origin coffee like Bali Kintamani, Sumatra Gayo, etc. 

Their milk-based drink was also suited me. Still had the body with medium acidity.

For the tea, I've tried Indonesian Genmaicha - IDR 40.000. All teas here are served properly with Japanese Tetsubin, and in many colors!!! oh my .... feels like I wanna have one at my home :p To use this kind of teapot, we have to rinse the pot and infuser with boiling water ( don't use detergen! ). The tea was surprisingly good. Genmaicha is a green tea combined with roasted brown rice. I love Genmaicha even though I know some people didn't. That roastey flavor brings out the 'umami' , even though it tends to be bitter if not served properly. Le Café Gourmand also served other Indonesian Specialty teas that I think very interesting to try! ( Like West Java Silver Needles )

Wanttttttt !!!

Another drink you can try is their Hot Chocolate. Once again, it's Indonesian chocolate ( from Lampung if I'm not mistaken ). Taste really good! Velvety, balanced bitterness.

For the food, I've tried Chicken Pie. It was quite like shepherd's pie with veggies on bottom, and mashed potato on top. Taste quite good actually, even though I think it's a bit dry. Not fresh enough maybe?
Next is Triple Chocolate Tart. I think the pastry shell would be even better if it's crumbly as in textures. It's just okay to me.

Their Verrine was also their signature, so I opted Pabana Cocktail. It was nice with the crumbles and sweet sour taste of raspberry and vanilla bavaroise. Yum! 

Oh yeah one more thing, their Ice Cream was awesome. You should give it a go for that one. And sorry I didn't have any interior photos, because it's sooooo packed and I'm only brought my fixed lens :p 

Le Café Gourmand
Jl. Gunawarman No 65, Jakarta
Facebook : Le Café Gourmand
Instagram : @instagourmand

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