

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Singapore : Strangers' Reunion

Back to my coffee journey at Singapore, after a short visit to Nylon Coffee Roasters, I took a walk ( yes walking! ) to this coffee shop at Kampong Bahru. Well.. it's not hard to find, since it's located on the main road. 
Yes it's just me and myself, because my other friends had another agenda. So sorryyyy if I only posted one item on this post. haha... 

The 'new' Strangers Reunion was quite spacious. I've heard they only had 1 shophouse before, now they have 3 shophouses for their space. The space was well decorated with vintage and modern stuff. The service was also nice. Oh I also heard that Strangers' Reunion own by a Singapore National Barista Champ. Nice.

their old signage!

So for my drink, I opted their specialty which is Magic -SGD 5.5. It's basically double ristretto and milk. Ristretto is an even shorter espresso shot. Basically it's just means less water. If double espresso typically 60 ml, double ristretto is typically 45ml. Ristretto also produces a shot with fuller body and more intense flavour than a normal espresso. I quite like the coffee here, the body still there, but I just can't finish it because feel too bloated of the milk :p 

free water!

Strangers' Reunion
33/35/37 Kampong Bahru Road
Phone : +65 6222 4869
Mon–Sun: 9am – 10pm (Closed on Tue)

Facebook : Strangers' Reunion
Twitter : @StrangerReu

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Singapore : Ah Heng Curry Chicken Bee Hoon Mee

When we travel to Singapore, we definitely never miss Chinatown! Besides looking for Bakkwa, there's a lotttt more delicious ( and legendary ) Singaporean delicacies around this area. One of them are the one on Maxwell Food Centre that I've write before.

Because eating at Maxwell or Chinatown Complex are too mainstream, why not try this one? Hong Lim Market and Food Centre. Thanks to instagramers +Daniel Ang ,from his blog I found one of the best food from this food centre! 

I always love any food with soup, so I opted Ah Heng Curry Chicken Bee Hoon Mee among others! And my choice was right! You can opted for $3.50, $4.50 or $5.50 portion. The queue was always long, so for tourist like me, it's better to go before lunch time. 

They use Bee Hoon Mee, which is a vermicelli but more thicker like a noodle. The broth, oh my...... it's quite heavy with coconut milk in it. But they had this smokey taste that I really-really love. It's quite spicy and savory as well, yes.... I finished the broth! :p They also put some boiled potatoes, fried tofu, fish cake, and boiled chicken. Oh I had to mention that their chicken was also amazing. Very juicyyyy ! Yum! 

I can say I really satisfied with this Curry Chicken Bee Hoon, and I totally recommend you to try ;)

A friend of mine had this pork noodle but I forgot from what stall ( sorry ). But it turns out quite good too.

sorry about that annoying pole! :p

Ah Heng Curry Chicken Bee Hoon Mee 
Hong Lim Food Centre
Block 531A Upper Cross Street #02-58
Chinatown, Singapore.
Phone : +65 9243 0601

Bumbu Den Manado Restaurant

If you following my twitter @nvicl, you'll know that most of my activities are around Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. So yeah... I will share with you my favorite food around this area !:D One of it is this, Bumbu Den ! This restaurant offer authentic Manadonese cuisine that I really love.

Manado is the capital city of North Sulawesi province, famous for diving-paradise and well-sing people ( haha... seriously... they're really good at singing just like Bataknese does ). Their cuisine is ..... H O T. And I mean it's really - really spicy. But I love it! I'm a big fan of super-spicy food, that's why Manado cuisine suits me well :p

Before we start, let's talk about their condiments first. This two is a must in Manado food, Dabu- Dabu ( Manadonese Salsa ) and some fried sambal. Dabu-dabu is a mixed of bird eye chillies, red and green tomatoes, shallots and lime. It's really fresh and packed with flavors! Similar to a salsa isn't it ? Bumbu Den's sambal was also winner. It's quite savory and it's definitely ... Hot! Love it!
Dabu- Dabu

In Bumbu Den, you can also order their variety of seafood ( like Ikan Tude or their Ikan Woku that I also like ) that you can share. But for me.. for personal portion, I opted for their Ayam Bakar Rica - IDR 20.000. It's a grilled chicken with special Manadonese chili sauce, Rica-Rica. The chicken was quite big, and the taste of the chicken was more like smoked than grilled. Love the smokey taste on the chicken meat! You can also opted for normal Ayam Bakar if you don't like spicy food.

One that is a Must-Have while you in Bumbu Den is their Perkedel Jagung - IDR 15.000 ( half portion ). It's a fritter made with Corn and some spices. What makes it special is Bumbu Den could make it soooo crispy, yet, we can still taste the sweetness of the corn. Addictive! I could snack this all day :p

For the veggies, you can also opted for their Cah Kangkung - IDR 15.000. It's a stir-fried morning glory, and you can also order their signature stir-fried papaya flower! Seasoned just right and perfectly cooked!

Bumbu Den Manado Restaurant
Jl. Raya Boulevard Kelapa Gading Permai, Blok QA 1 No.6,
North Jakarta
Phone : 021 - 4515371 / 021 - 4501428
 Jl. Boulevard Gading Golf Ruko Diamond, Blok DMD 3 No.38,
Gading Serpong
Phone : 021 - 54216483 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tanamera Coffee

Isn't it exciting to see more and more coffee shops around Jakarta? When quantity are increasing, now the question will come down to... which has the best quality? A friend said, coffee-people/geeks are very idealist. They have their own beliefs and methods, and (some) think they are the best. No judge, but I think coffee is a matter of personal preference, you can't force what you believe.

Been heard of this coffee shop from a friend, I'm glad that I did a visit. It's not just a typical coffee shop that sells ambiance, but they had the 'quality'. They serve Single Origin Indonesian coffee, and they roast their own coffee. With Aidan Broderick as their Roasters, and Aga, champion of IBC's Regional Jakarta as their barista, I'm pretty sure you will have a pleasant visit ( like I do ).

Atmosphere :
I could say Tanamera is pretty hipster. I love their modern-industrial look, but the space are pretty petite. ( But it's a cool place to hang ! ;p )

Guess me from behind! Yes it's Slayer v3

Price : 
IDR 30.000 - 50.000/person

Food and Drinks :
From my first visit, I decide to have their Mandheling Espresso - IDR 20.000. It suits me well. Full bodied, low acidity and sweet spicy notes.

My second visit, I opted their House Blend Espresso, consist of Aceh Gayo Natural, Papua Waimena and Flores Manggarai. It's pretty interesting! Caramel at first sip, citrusy at the back. 

You can also opted for their milk-based drinks.

At level 2, they had their small kitchen that bake their pastries fresh! The one that you can't miss is this, Banana Walnut Caramel Cake - IDR 27.000. They serve it warm, and oh my.... it's heavenly! It's moist, crumbly, textured with chunky nuts and choco chip, caramel sauce.... one slice is not enough I tell ya'!

Choco Coffee Cake. It's quite moist and fudgy, but I think need more coffee taste in it.

You can also try their freshly made croissant. It's quite crispy on the outside !


Tanamera Coffee
Thamrin City Office Park  AA 07 (Near Thamrin City)
Jl. Kebun Kacang Raya 
Phone : 021 - 296 255 99
Twitter : @TanameraCoffee

Bandung : Lacamera Coffee

Back to my days at Bandung, before me and my friends went back home, we decide to have some caffeine shot. I've heard about this place before, and we decide to give it a shot. 

Atmosphere :
The space was quite huge for a coffee shop actually. It was vintage, quirky with many murals on the wall. Love it !

Price : 
IDR 30.000 - 50.000/ person

Drinks :

For me, Single Espresso - IDR 15.000. I kind of forgot what coffee that they use. I believe it's a blend of Indonesian coffee, if I'm not mistaken. Body was okay, but there's no interesting notes for me.

Red Velvet Latte - IDR 28.000. I order this just because of curiosity. haha... It was chocolate and milk ( and coloring! ) actually. Was okay for me because the chocolate wasn't that 'dark'.

Creme Brulee - IDR 28.000. Always love the sugar 'crack' on top! If you like 'lighter' cafe latte you can try this one.

Mint Mochaccino - IDR 25.000. It's actually tasted good! The mint syrup really gives a nice kick!

Lacamera Coffee
Jl. Naripan No. 79, Bandung
Phone : 022 - 4210200
Facebook : Lacamera Coffee
Twitter : @LacameraCoffee

Singaporean Food Promo at Graffiti Mercure Simatupang Hotel

We Jakartans, always love traveling to Singapore. It's only 2hours away ( by plane ), but a different kind of atmosphere than Jakarta. The one that makes it different of course..... the tidiness. Clean, well structured, friendly public transport and yes..... good food ! If you wanna know more about food in Singapore you can read more here.

Last week I was invited by Mercure Jakarta Simatupang Hotel for tasting their new Singaporean food promo at Graffiti Restaurant. To know more about this hotel you can read more on my previous visit, here. Even though there's some changes on the decorations, I still love their interior!

Ok so let's start with the food, first one is Prawn Popiah - IDR 65.000. This one is a spring roll, but they're using egg for the wraps. The minced prawn filling tasted nice, but it needs more crunch texture on the wraps I think.

Yong Tau Foo - IDR 75.000. Don't you know that I'm a big fan of any food with soups? It's even better eaten at rainy season like these days. The wontons was tastes savory and nice, but I don't think putting broccoli and carrot quite presenting yong tau foo? 

Katong Laksa - IDR 75.000. It's quite enjoyable, but compared to the original one... this one was too light. The broth should be heavy with the coconut milk and bold with the spices.

Char Kway Teow - IDR 75.000. Who doesn't know this kind of dish ? You can found it everywhere in Singapore ! But too bad, compared to Singapore one, this one lack of that black sweet soy sauce.

And of course you can't missed, Singaporean Chili Crab - IDR 95.000. The sauce was ok, but I think it needed some beaten eggs on it, so it looks like the original one. The crab tasted fresh though.

And for the dessert, Sago Melon - IDR 55.000. I could say... it's a perfect ending! A nice milky pudding with chewy textured from sago and freshness of melons. Yum!

For drinks you can try Tropico ( Pineapple, Mango, Coconut and Banana Syrup ) or for more healthy option, Green Light ( Cucumber, Kale and Apple ).
Green Light

You can enjoy all of this Singaporean Food from 6th - 25th January 2014. Last words, thanks mba Anti and Mercure Jakarta Simatupang for having me ! :)

Mercure Jakarta Simatupang Hotel
Jl. R.A Kartini No. 18, 
Lebak Bulus, Jakarta Selatan

Reservations : ( 021 ) 75 999 789
Facebook      : Mercure Jakarta Simatupang
Twitter          : @Mercure_Smptg