

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Coffeebeerian Grand Opening

Couple weeks ago I was invited to attend the grand opening of some cafe/bar around Panglima Polim, Coffeebeerian. From it's name, I think it's not very hard to guess what they're offer. Yes, It's coffee and beer.

Coffee and Beer mixed together? Yes, These two things makes me curious enough to go all the way from north Jakarta to Panglima Polim on the weekdays :p Arriving around 8.30pm, I met my buddy Wanderbites , and he's the one who introduced me the background of this place. haha... Where's the owner? No idea.

 It all begins from 4 diving buddies who had their passion in coffee and beer, and then decided to mixed it together and opening a space. Not only serving Vietnamese dripping pot style or house blend coffees, they also serves many kind of beers like Indian Pale Ale, Duvel, Russian Stout, Cider and Wheat Beer.

So that night, we able to taste two of their signatures drink. The first one is Black Pony - IDR 45.000,-. This drink is a mixed of espresso, stout & pilsener beer, and mint.I found the the stout beer taste quite strong. Dark, malty, bitter, with a strong mint taste.

sorry the bubbles already gone :p

The second one is Cobe Brown - IDR 45.000. This one is mixed of espresso, pilsener &stout beer, almond, vanilla and lemon. Very light, you can still taste the coffee but it's quite mild. There's still a slight bitter taste from the stout beer, but the lemon taste make this drink very refreshing!

some snacks

Overall I had good experience tasting this creation. I would love to come again to this place to try some of their coffees. 

Jl. Panglima Polim 9 No.8, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
Facebook : Coffeebeerian
Twitter : @Coffeebeerian

Monday, September 17, 2012

Food Tasting Invitation : Bonchon's Burger Launch

I bet you guys already familiar with Bonchon, right? A fast food chain company from Korea that been a hit in America. In Indonesia, since February 2012, Bonchon already had 9 outlets ( fast, huh ! ). If you wanna know more about their chicken, you can check out my previous blogpost about Bonchon here.

So couple weeks ago, Bonchon launched their new Burger products. They invited press and media, also bloggers to taste this new products. And yes, I'm coming too :p First of all, I'm sorry for the not-so-inviting pictures, I've struggled with those low light and yellow-ish lighting :D

After some presentation of Bonchon's background, we're introduced to their new burger's product, Bob, Bos and Kim. The lucky number one that I taste is BOB. A burger with crunchy chicken patty, egg, cheese, lettuce and honey mustard sauce. I love the fresh spongy bun, the chicken patty taste crunchy enough, the egg was too thin, I think would be better if using a sunny side egg :p and.... I can't taste the honey mustard sauce. They need to put moreeee.... because the burger taste dry without the sauce.

Next one is BOS, the spicy one. Same ingredients but this one using Spicy Mayonnaise. Still same to me, need more of the spicy mayonnaise. 

The last one is KIM, Bonchon's Kimchi Burger. Yesssss kimchiiiii ! I think to mix the flavor with kimchi is great idea though. But yea... they need to put the kimchi more, it's too timid. Need something to kickin'! But yes I prefer Kim though than the others.

French Fries anyone?

So have you try? What do you think about it? Just an idea comes to my mind, if only... the crunchy chicken patty had the same flavor like their chicken, I think it would be more interesting, right ? :p Well I'll let you choose, people! With IDR 25.000,- price, I think it's still a worth option. 

Bonchon Chicken Indonesia
- 5th Floor Sky Bridge, Grand Indonesia Mall.
- GF, Citywalk Sudirman.
- 2nd Floor, Gandaria City.
- LG, Central Park Mall.
- 2nd Floor, Kota Kasablanka.
- GF, Living World Alam Sutera, BSD.
- GF Supermall Karawaci, Tangerang.
- Kemang Village & Beachwalk, Bali ( Opening Soon )
Facebook : Bonchon Indonesia 
Twitter : @Bonchon_ID

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Food/Restaurant Review : Magnum House of Chocolate

Couple weeks ago, after attending some food tasting event, me and my foodies friend Urukyu , Jenzcorner and Selba, decided to get some snack because we haven't fulfilled enough from the previous food tasting :p Already around Grand Indonesia mall, someone come up with an idea to visit a new re-openly Magnum Cafe. Not a bad idea after all, so let's jump in!

According to the rumors around, we have to line up if we wanna eat at this restaurant. But it's weekdays and around lunch time, so the queue not crazy at all. The house still packed, but we still can get a table :)

Atmosphere :
I kinda like the entrance of this restaurant. Long narrow alley with nice decorated wall and .... red carpet ( nah... don't practice your 'walk' there :p ). The restaurant itself quite cozy with dark wood floors, and vintage theme decorations. There's also an outdoor seating though. And yeah, if you notice, the whole room has a sweet chocolate smell. Yum. :p

Price :
Around IDR 60.000 - 80.000/ person ( 6 - 8 USD/person )

Food :
We decided to have some 'snack', so that's why we only order some light bites. Champignon Frit - IDR 25.000. It's a deep fried mushrooms served with tartare sauce. The mushroom quite crunchy enough, but I just don't like how they present it with 'kertas bungkus nasi'. Such a turn off :p

Calamari Vindaloo - IDR 35.000. It's a curry fried calamari with kaffir lime sauce. The calamari taste quite crunchy with a nice spice flavor.
Crepes De Leuven - IDR 35.000. It's a black forest crepe with dark chocolate truffle magnum stick, chocolate shavings, and cherry compote. I recommend you to share this dish. haha... Chocolate taste crepes, abundant chocolate sauce, chocolate ice cream ( with chocolate coating ), oh man.... it's just overwhelming. I'm not a big fan of the crepes, because it's a bit too rubbery. I prefer the soft and flimsy crepes :p The chocolate sauce, heaven. The cherry compote, gives a nice sour taste. Perfect to balance the chocolate. And yea... I love the presentation.

Mont St. Aubert - IDR 29.000. This is vanilla magnum shake with crumbled oreos, hazelnuts and whipped cream. If you ever try cookies n cream blended drink, this is just taste the same.
Cafe Du Belge - IDR 29.000. Blended chocolate truffle magnum stick with fresh espresso and molten chocolate syrup. Just, yummy.
Well overall, it's quite satisfying to me. I think I would pay a visit again sometime for their 'heavy' menu ;)

Magnum Cafe - The House of Chocolate
Grand Indonesia
West Mall 6th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta.
Facebook : MagnumTwitter : @MyMagnumID

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Food Tasting Invitation : Sukhothai

When the invitation arrived, I'm quite surprised because the hotel that I known as Sheraton Media Hotel now already changed into Media Hotel & Towers this year. That's why I'm pretty surprised when I see the address, since it's quite near with my home :)

Media Hotel and Towers had 4 main restaurants, and this time they invited me to taste their Thai restaurant which named Sukhothai. It's my first time to step my feet at Sukhothai, because usually I used to going to their Chinese restaurant, Dragon Court.

I loveeeee Thai Food! I had many best Thai food when I visit Bangkok 2 times. The four fundamental flavor of Thai food which is Sour, Salty, Sweet and Bitter, already captured my heart. The mixes of spices, just like Indonesian food, it all just comes together perfectly. But you know what... to be honest I didn't craving much Thai food when I'm in Jakarta. When my friends asks me to go out, Thai restaurant just rarely comes to my mind. As I type this, I'm also asking myself 'why???' haha.... I still didn't know the answer. But maybe, it's because the memories of food that I have in Bangkok much better than I have in Jakarta. Maybe..........

The first time you stepped in Sukhothai, you'll be mesmerized with their decor. Very calm and relaxing, with many Thai center pieces that makes you feel you are in Thai traditional restaurant. I love how they set the seating area, like we should take off our shoes and sit on the floor ( or Indonesian called it 'lesehan' ). Great ambiance.

Sukhothai serves All- You- Can - Eat menu, with 26 choices dishes of appetizers, soups, main course, side dishes, and desserts. They not serves it buffet style, but you can order what you want, and they serves it to your table. Yes, you can order what you want, multiple times! :D

So that time, I let them choose for me, what's the best dishes amongst all :p So here they are, serving the appetizer, Tord Man Goong ( Prawn Cake ). I loveee Thai prawn cake, and I love this one too! It's crispy on the outside, but soft and savory on the inside. Simply addictive !

Next is, also my favorite Thai dish, Gai Hor Baytol ( Fried Marinated Chicken in Pandan Leaf ). This also perfect. I love how they marinated the chicken. Tasted sweet and savory. Yum!

Next appetizer is Yam Mamuang ( Spicy Mango Salad ). Yes, this mango salad is spicy ! And the sourness of the mango, could make your eyes popped! ha ! ;p

What's Thai food without Tom Yum right? :p The Tom Yum Thalay ( Hot and Sour Soup with Seafood ), tasted just okay to me. Sorry, but I have taste the better one. There's a slight bitterness at the aftertaste, but it's spicy enough.

For the main course, they served Khao Pad Sapparot ( Fried Rice with Pineapple ). I love the presentation! Very cute! The rice has yellow color ( like 'nasi kuning' ) and there's raisins in it. To me, it's still lacking of seasoning, because I couldn't taste any flavor in the rice. But I do love the floss on top ( not sure what kind of floss is that, but it's good ).

To accompany the rice, we've been served with Kapraw Gai ( Stir Fried Minced Chicken with Thai Basil ). Taste sweet and little bit spicy. Quite nice.

Then, Pia Sam Rod ( Fried Fish with Three Flavor Sauce). I love the sweet sour sauce, and the fried fish tasted fresh, even though not crispy enough.

Phad Poh Taek ( Crab, Squid, Fish and Prawn in Thai Herb Chili ). The seafood not fresh enough, but I do love the sauce.

Pad Bong Pad Namanhoy (Stir Fried Water Spinach with Oyster Sauce ). Nice crunch with garlic taste.

For the dessert, Tam Tim Krob ( Crispy Red Water Chestnut in Coconut Syrup ). Refreshing and I love the crunch of the red water chestnut. Nice texture.

Man Suam ( Simmered Cassava in syrup with Coconut Milk ). The soft sweet warm cassava combine with thick coconut milk, just right.

And yes, there's many more in the menu, but too bad I'm on diet to taste all of the menu ( HA! ;p ) You just need to pay IDR 175.000,- nett/ person ( around 17 USD ) for all of this. Not bad huh.

Last words, I had a very good time in Sukhothai, and the service there was excellent too. Thanks Media Hotel & Towers for inviting! :)

Sukhothai Restaurant
The Media Hotel and Towers
Jl. Gunung Sahari 3, Jakarta
Phone : (021) 626 3001
Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM and 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Facebook : The Media Hotel and Towers
Twitter : @TheMediaHotel

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Food Tasting Invitation : Break Fasting with Hotel Pullman Jakarta

Sorry for posting this late. The loongggg Ied Mubarak Holiday giving me 'snooze' mode I think. haha... So yea... during the Ramadan month, I was invited by Pullman Hotel, Central Park, Jakarta to some break fasting event also with the press and media. Whats interesting is they invited Chef Ayman Ahmed from Pullman Dubai to come to Jakarta, and prepared all the Mediterranean cuisine during the Ramadan month.

After doing some prayers, we start to break the fast when it's already 6pm. To be honest, I'm not really familiar with Mediterranean dishes, that's why I'm pretty excited to try some! :D There's many type of Mediterranean cuisine around, but Chef Ayman Ahmed prepared some typical food around Middle East like Lebanese, Egyptian, Saudi Arabian, Syria, etc.

So what I try first is.... Pita bread with many kinds of dips or condiments. Pita bread is the most common food around Mediterranean or Middle East cuisine. It's a round pocket bread made from wheat that is thin, soft but a little chewy when you bite it. To complement the pita bread, there's also Arabic Beetroot Salad, Hummus, and the other kind of condiments that I'm not really sure about the name :p I love the Beetroot salad! It gives a nice sour taste, and Hummus, which is a mashed chickpeas also tasted great.

There's also Fish Sengari, which I found really yummy! The fish was really fresh and perfectly cook. I also ate it with my Pita bread and tasted awesome !
They also served Red Lentil Soup which has a refreshing tomato taste in it.
The other dishes are, Chicken Makloba, which is Chicken cooked with basmati rice and eggplants and cauliflowers. I love how they put cauliflowers in it, because it gives a nice crunch textures to it.
Next is Lamb Tajine. OMG! I loveeee this dish! The Lamb was veryyyy tender, and raisins gives a nice unique sweet taste to it.
The other dishes that served that day is Cous- Cous, Chicken Salona and Fish with Harra Sauce. All was great too. Flavorful !
Besides Mediterranean food, they also served Indonesian food.
For the dessert, one of the Mediterranean dessert that I try is Malabi. It has a textured like panna cotta, which is smooth, gooey and tasted veryyy milky ! Total love !
The other dessert is Indonesian one, which is Pisang Ijo ( Makassar's Green Banana). This was tasted really good too!
Overall, I had good time experiencing all of this yummy Mediterranean cuisine. Thanks to Pullman, Central Park Jakarta for inviting!

Pullman HotelCentral Park Mall,
Jl. Let. Jend S Parman Kav 28,
Jakarta Barat
Phone : (021) 29200088
Twitter : @Pullman_JKT_CP
Facebook : Pullman Jakarta Central Park