

Monday, May 21, 2012

Food/Rest. Review : Warung Mak Beng

Let's forget a bit about suckling pig or pork ribs when we talk about Bali culinary. Yes they are extremely yummy, but in this post I want to introduce you to another local food that's worth to call a legend, yet it's halal. Established since 1941, big thanks to one genius lady, Mak Beng ( or Ketut Tjuki ), who inherited this rare recipes from her mother and mother-in-law. I go to this place early in the morning ( around 8am ), because I've heard they ran out so fast. Thank God when I come to this place, the queue was still okay. Got my seats and ready to fill my tummy !

Atmosphere :
Just a modest local restaurant. Very- very simple and not too spacious though. But when you see the wall ( read : wall of fame :p ) , you just knew that this place is something!

Price :
IDR 30.000/ person ( around 3 USD )

Food :
They ONLY sell ONE package here. Rice, fish head soup, fried fish, IDR 28.000,-. That's it ! ;D So here it is.
Fish Head Soup. It is said they're using Red Snapper ( or Ikan Jangki ) or Skipjack Tuna ( or Ikan Cakalang ) for the fish. You can say the fish are definitely fresh! Soft and fresh. The soup, very- very savory, with a taste of spices and chili. Cucumber and Starfruit also added to the soup. Savory, sour and spicy, interesting flavor isn't it?! Totally a winner IMO.

Fried fish. Even though the fish are deep fried, but it's still had soft texture at the center. One of the highlight of course their Sambal ( chili condiment )! Very-very "HOT" which is perfect for Indonesian tongue :D Love it !

Warung Mak Beng
Jl. Hang Tuah No. 45,
Sanur, BALI.
Phone : (0361) 282633

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Baked Goods New Product Launch : Diabetics Products

Maybe many of you already know about this dessert place at Jalan Sabang. Yes, I've also been review it once on my previous post here. For this time, The Baked Goods wanna introduce their new range of products, which is Diabetics products.

I'm quite surprised that day, because apparently I'm the only Food Blogger there, the rest is reporter and photographer from Magazine or another media. Well I could say I'm pretty honored with this opportunity, but in the same time I feel awkward because I know NO ONE. lol. But suddenly there's a photographer from Bakery Magazine who recognize me, and surprisingly knows my blog! Wow. I'm surprised! ( btw nice to know you, mas ! :p )

Now back to the event, that afternoon Mrs. Ivy Batuta open the event, and Mr. Erwin Parengkuan share a story of his parents who struggling with Diabetes. After that, Dr.Samuel Oetoro, MS Spgk, also gave us a good knowledge and facts about Diabetes. Do you know that Indonesia is the fourth largest contributor to diabetics in the world with an estimated seven million people, after China, India, and the United States?? Wow! I didn't know that ! Being at the 4th place, I think we should take this seriously! Yeah especially with a boom trend of red velvet or rainbow cake here in Jakarta ( ow yea! ), I think we should wisely choose our food, or we regret it later.

After that, Mrs Jana Parengkuan introduce us to their new diabetics products from The Baked Goods. All of the products was found by herself, and yes, it's not an easy job! Usually when we eat Diabetics food, it wasn't good at all. Sometimes it's just bland or just too doughy. To made a 0% sugar, low calories, yet still delicious cake and cookies??? That's a one thing!

For the cakes, they made a Diabetics version of their famous Carrot Cake. And the taste? Just like an usual cake! It is moist and the sweetness are perfect! I also love the textures of this cake and cinnamon taste in it. Do you notice that there's no cream cheese frosting here? Right! Jana replace it with walnuts and shredded carrots to make a healthier version of carrot cake. Well... I'm not complain! :p

The other new cakes is Diabetic Oat Cranberry Cake. This cake also moist, quite dense and has a perfect sour and sweetness from the cranberry. Wasn't taste like diabetics product at all, huh ? :D

For the cookies, there are Diabetic Oatmeal Cookies, which quite crunchy and also with some cranberry here. Pretty nice!

Diabetic Dark Chocolate with Cashews Cookies. Dark chocolate is very recommended for people with diabetes according to Dr. Samuel. This cookie has a bit bitter taste in it though, but it's crunchy enough.

Diabetic Lemon Poppyseed Cookies. Oh I love this one. This cookies has a cute shape, and a strong lemony taste.

All this cookies not only delicious, but it's also only 14.7 kcal/ piece! We also got a goodie bag of the cookies for ourselves.

Last words, I think all the new products here is quite impressive. It shows commitment to produce a 'true' Diabetics products which not easy at all. My dad also struggling with Diabetes, so that day also 'ring a bell' for me to be more wisely choosing my food, and live healthily. You are what you eat, right? ;) So thanks The Baked Goods for inviting! See you another time !
( Oh psstt....! The Baked Goods would opening their mini store at Senayan City soon!)

The Baked Goods
Jl. H. Agus Salim no. 16
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Phone : 021 - 30 9090 15
Facebook :
The Baked Goods
Twitter :

Monday, May 14, 2012

Food Tasting : Momi and Toys Crêperie

There's new crêperie in townnnnn! Yes it's Momi and Toys crêperie originally from Japan, opening their first branch here in Jakarta. It's not a franchise! It's a branch ! So Mr. Toichi Kawakami, the founder himself come to Jakarta to providing the best quality crepes for the Indonesian customers.

Momi and Toys crêperie established since 2007 and already has 80 outlets in Japan, 6 outlets in Shanghai and 3 outlets in Taipei. Quite a number, huh ? :D Don't ask me why the name is using the word 'toys' :p Maybe many of you confused, well..... so am I :D

Such an honor that I'm invited to taste this crêperie one day before the store open. The interior itself quite nice, warm and cute with a touch of wood and green color. The waiters also had a culture of yelling together to welcome you, just like at the usual Japanese resto isn't it ?:D

Usually people eat crêpes for dessert, but at Momi & Toys, they also had savory crepes. The first one is Cheese Egg Rice Roll - IDR 34.000,-. So this is rice, egg, cheese with a hint of chili sauce, wraps in really thin and smooth crêpes. I could say I like this crêpes a lot. The crêpes itself wasn't taste like crêpes at all. It's sooooo thin so it was almost like an omelette to me. The rice seems cooked with butter and the egg, was nice to see the 'orange' color isn't it ? It's just simply nice.

Then, Tuna Cheese Salad - IDR 39.000,-. Taste just okay for me :)

For the sweet one, you have to know that Momi and Toys provides Torokeru crêpes. Torokeru means creamy with superb melting texture while eating. Mr Kawakami himself developed this secret recipe after years and years. So the first one is, Banana Peanuts Caramel Cream - IDR 34.000,-. Well I could say the cream, is delish indeed! It's milky enough, but not 'heavy' at all. Very light and melts in your mouth. And for the topping, if you love buttery peanuts sauce, then you will love this :)

Next is one of their signature which is Strawberry Cream - IDR 34.000,-. The cream is abundant and quite nice to match with the sourness of strawberry.

Banana Chocolate Cream with Ice Cream - IDR 39.000,-. Taste just okay.

Then, Matcha Cream with Ice Cream - IDR 34.000,-. Too bad I couldn't taste the matcha ( green tea ) enough. They just sprinkled it on top, so the matcha taste not strong enough. I think if they're using some matcha paste or matcha ice cream would be perfect isn't it ;)

Besides their crêpes, they also served us with some complimentary snack :)

For the drinks, I order Ice Matcha Latte - IDR 29.000,-. Once again, I could not taste the matcha. Only milk.

You know that I love posting my food pics on Instagram right? So I have a good friend on Instagram who also a Japanese, a true foodie, and living in Tokyo. His name is Hiroyuki Yamazaki ( IG id: @hiro_ymzk , go follow him! :p ). So when Momi & Toys open their branch here, I message Hiro-san asking has he ever try the crêpes, and surprisingly he's never try it :p So he promised me to try and posting it on his Instagram. And look at his picture below ( he's a great photographer isn't it ), he order the same Cheese Egg Rice Roll and Chocolate crêpes. According to Hiro-san, the Cheese Egg Rice Roll crepes has ketchup taste on the rice, different from here huh? And look at the chocolate crêpes, they had a really nice style of wrapping ( the cream looks very tempting :p ), it's quite different from here :p.
different wrapping style ?

Well overall, you have to know that the crêpes from Momi and Toys is very soft, thin and flimsy. If you love kind of crêpes that is dry and crispy, I think this kind of crêpes were not for you. But I think it's a worth try though, because the cream is quite nice according to my opinion :)

Oh yeah, before we go home, we also given with some okashi ( souvenir ). It was Hiyoko, a traditional Japanese confection with a sweet lima bean paste, and surrounded in a pastry bun shaped like a baby chick. It is really cute! and sweet indeed.

So last words, thanks for Mr. Darwin and Momi and Toys crêperie for inviting! :)

Momi and Toys Crêperie
Plaza Senayan Level 3 Unit #320 C (4), Jakarta.
Facebook : Momiandtoys_ind
Twitter : @momiandtoys_ind

Starbucks Summer Gathering

It's near summer time worldwide! Even though in Indonesia we have summer all the time :p but that's not the reason to not celebrate it right ?;) As always, Starbucks offers new products every season, so put your sunglasses on, let's try their summer product!

For this Summer season, Starbucks launch 2 new Frappuccino which is Mocha Cookie Crumble and Chocolate Cookie Crumble ( Non Coffee ) Frappuccino. Both of it taste good, but even though they name it with 'cookie', the cookie only as a topping. I think if they put the cookie in the frappuccino, blend it together, would be more yum don't you think ?:p

We also get a chance to try their whole bean coffee, which is Tribute Blend. This blend is quite special, because it's made for Starbucks 40th Anniversary. Because a lotsssss of demand of this coffee, they're decided to bring it back this year. Starbucks Tribute Blend is a blend of four types of coffee from 3 growing regions which is aged Sumatra, sun - dried beans Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea and Colombia. Well I could say that as an Indonesian, I'm very proud because our coffee ( which is Sumatra ) was on the list :p This kind of blend has a spicy and full bodied coffee, with berry and dark cherry notes. What I like about this blend is has a medium level of bitterness, with fruity taste at the back. Interesting! ( PS: My dad tried the VIA, and he loves it ! )

Now it's time for the food products! For this summer, apparently Starbucks Indonesia wanna bring Indonesian twist to their food menu ! And yes, It's interesting! The first one is Ogura Pandan Cake - IDR 21.000,-. This is a layer of pandan cake with cream and ogura ( red bean ). The result is this cake really moist, light and interestingly not too sweet.

Next is Sumatra Coffee Chocolate Mousse - IDR 25.000,-. This is chocolate pound cake soaked in coffee as the base, cream cheese, and chocolate mousse with Sumatra coffee on top. Well I'm a mousse lover, it's very light, so I'm quite liking this! U barely can't taste the cream cheese though, so it's only taste chocolate and coffee.

Many customers comes to Starbucks in the morning, so they also provide something more fulfilling like, Bolognaise Cheese Sandwich - IDR 29.000,-. I'm quite liking this ! It's soooo yummy! The bolognaise taste perfect!

One of the highlight of the day, Tuna Balado Sandwich - IDR 31.000,-. For you Indonesian I bet you already familiar with 'Balado'. Balado is a terms that we used nowadays for food that cooked with chili. And yes, this sandwich is Spicy ! Suitable for our taste buds isn't it? :p

One of the interesting part of the day is, we could learn to make our own Frappuccinoooooo !!! Yay! I've been waiting for this! :p Finally I know how it feels to be Starbucks barista. HA! That day I make Caramel Frappuccino ( What do you think with the results? :p ) and, I got my certificate !

And, goodie bag of course !

Taking place at Starbucks Pasaraya Grande, big thanks for Mba Sari and Starbucks Indonesia for inviting!

Starbucks Pasaraya Grande
Ground Floor, Jl. Iskandarsyah II no.2,
Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta.
Facebook : Starbucks Indonesia
Twitter : @SbuxIndonesia

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Food/Rest. Review : Origin House and Kitchen

I always enjoying my time when I go to Bandung. There's sooooo many good restaurant with a good ambience and at affordable price too! Their streets food also uh-ma-zing. Very creative and never stop innovating :D
On my last visit to Bandung, I spare my time to visit this place. Origin is really interesting! It's not only a restaurant! But it's also an Organic Supermarket, Household Store and Bakery in one place ! They had a really nice concept of 'green' and healthy living ( which I love ). I can see that they're staying true to the concept, commit to it, and the result definitely, excellent!
The supermarket area offers many kinds of Organic products, yes mostly imported product. The household area, quite interesting! haha... Sorry I'm a person who can't stand cute and quirky products :p So I'm quite spending time on looking at their households product. Well.. I can see many kinds of Ikea products here, and because it's imported, the price are more pricey though. But I think it's quite cool to bring Ikea's product here.
Ok enough talking about that, so now let's get into the business, FOOD.

Atmosphere :
I. Love. This. Place. Period! The restaurant ( or bistro ) area was quite spacious also with a 2nd floor. In line with the 'green' concept, the restaurant area are indeed 'green'. Plants everywhere haha :D It's a half open air too. I could say the ambience are great ! Fresh, cozy and relaxing.

Price :
around IDR 40.000 - 60.000/person.

Food :
At first, sorry I LOST the bill so I cannot put the price on this post :( I come to this place around 3 or 4pm, and my condition that time is.... quite full. So we're only order a 'light' meal that time :)

Buffala Mozzarella Salad. I love this salad ! The mozzarella are chunky big, the dressing also light and fresh like Italian dressing. What I like is they also drizzle the salad with Truffle Oil! Nom Nom.... Maybe not many people love truffle oil though, but I just love it :p

Chicken and Corn Cream Soup. Also tasted good. It's creamy, and still has a textured from the corn. Tasted a lil' bit sweet too. Simply nice.
Mushroom Fritter. I know it doesn't look that appetizing, but it's actually good! The crunch is right, and the bbq sauce quite perfect. A lil' bit sweet and sour.
Rösti Potatoes. At first I didn't know what is Rösti, but after I googled, I found out that Rösti is one of national food from Switzerland. It's just a simple pan fried or baked grated potatoes. Even though it's that simple, I still love this dish. There's a nice crunch on the outside and smooth in the inside. The texture quite similar when you had a hash brown.
And I also order some 'special edition' dessert that time, Dome Chocolate Liquor Mousse with Praline, Strawberry Coulis and Vanilla Ice Cream. Look at that presentation!! I'm in love with it ! The Chocolate Liquor Mousse was amazing. The liquor taste not very strong, a perfect balance with the chocolate. The Vanilla Ice Cream also tasted not a usual local ice cream ( maybe Häagen-Dazs ? )

And for the drinks, Fruity Mineral Water. Look how 'different' it is :D Comes with a small water dispenser, this drink can be good for 2 or 3 person. Actually it taste just like a mineral water, but has a very light lemony taste in it. It's that simple, but interesting right? ;p
The rest, sorry I can't remember the name of it TT____TT But I just posted the pics okay :P

Well overall I really really enjoying my time at Origin :) The food presentation are great, it's also comes with a good price too. If I go to Bandung again, I'll definitely come again to taste their main courses menu :)

Origin House & Kitchen
Jl. Sumatera No.21, Bandung.
Phone : 022 - 4235935
Facebook : Origin House & Kitchen