

Monday, October 31, 2011

Food/Rest. Review : Brussels Spring

Yesterday, I was out lunch to Central Park Mall with my friends. Well... I've heard this restaurant before because this restaurant is a branch from Bandung. Some said many good reviews about their waffles, so I'm trying to give it a try.

Atmosphere :
The interior was so fun and quirky, yet minimalist. They're having many character toys as a fun touch to the room. It was so lovely. And another interesting part is the table! The table had some sort of miniature toys display inside it ! Soooo cute! It's different every table and that time I had the Hello Kitty one. Cute. Cute. Cute.

Price :
Around 70 - 100k / person.

Food :
The menu was so varied. From Savory or Sweet Waffle, Pasta, Steak, also Indonesian food. I was quite curious with their homemade Ravioli, but I was quite bored eating pasta that day ( maybe next time ! :p ) So I choose to eat Chicken Vladostana - IDR. 55.000,- .
This a grilled chicken breast, with coleslaw, french fries, spinach and mozzarella cheese with BBQ sauce. The presentation was nice, the chicken cooks perfectly, the spinach and mozzarella on top of it just in a small amount ( we want more ! :p ) and the bbq sauce taste quite nice.

That time I go with friends that wasn't getting used to eat western food :p So they're order Sop Buntut Goreng ( Fried Oxtail Soup ) - IDR. 55.000,-.
Once again, the presentation was nice, the oxtail was overcooked and chewy, the soup was too salty.

Then, Nasi Goreng Cabe Rawit ( Fried Rice with Chili ) - IDR. 28.000,-
Yes it's spicy! but taste just okay to me.

Because they were quite famous with they're waffle, so I order Nutty Choco Waffle with Tiramisu Ice Cream - IDR. 37.500.
The waffle is thin, and crunchy. The topping was so -so to me.

For the drinks, they had a quite interesting one which called Blossom Tea - IDR. 20.000,-
So it's a tea made with flower, put in a clear teapot. It was so pretty to looked at ! Good for two people. Well, I really love flower tea but I never found it, do you had any idea where to find these at Jakarta? Let me know ! ;)

Brussels Spring
Tribecca Park,
Central Park Mall.
Telp. ( 021 ) 29200008


  1. Jujur aja gw belom pernah ke central park loh...kalo baca2 di beberapa food blog,banyak resto cihuy yah disana...besok di sempetin deh mampir kesana...hhehhe

  2. bloom tea yg kering g pnrh beli bbrp kali, bentuknya bulet kayak bola gitu, tinggal diseduh trus mekar jadi bunga deh, g beli di kaskus dulu

  3. Di bandung juga ada brussel spring, Jl. sumatra no.30. :)

  4. you can find that kind of tea at Table8,Hotel Mulia :)

  5. blossom tea nya enak, apalagi diminum sore - sore gitu.. relaxing ur day!
