

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A notes from myself to YOU !!

Ola ! Did you notice that I've my changed my blog language into English? Yes I've changed it. Not because I didn't love Bahasa, but recently I've got some visitors from other countries that I think it would make them easier to understand this blog. I know my English isn't that good ( especially those grammars ), but it such a relieved that an English Teacher's friend from Australia said my English was 'understandable' LOL. So pardon for any typo and grammar thing, I promise I will work on this :) And for my Indonesian readers, I know that you guys already 'english - friendly' citizens, so I think this is not a necessary problem, isn't it ? :p

So yesterday I've got my 10.000 hits, so I'm in a lil' bit celebration mode :p A lil' flashback, I'm starting this blog at 2008, but it's not an actual food blog. It's just another life story blog. Then I have this habit of taking pictures of food that I eat then I post it on my facebook's album. I put on the name of the restaurant and the name of the dish, because I'm thinking for giving some information ( food around Jakarta ) for my friends. But then, the idea comes to mind, 'why I didn't put it on my blog ?'. So here I am, posting my first food review at 20th October 2008 !

At first, I know NOTHING about Food Blogger or Food Blogging !! I'm just writing some info that I think would be useful for visitors who see it, post a photo, done. Just as simple as that ! Then suddenly the angel came in March 2011 *lebay* . The one of the most talented food blogger from Jakarta, Jenzcorner visit my blog and see my Samwon House 's Food Review and follow my twitter ! Then the rest of it was a 'GOD - Speed' moment I could say. Big thanks to Jenz because opening this world to me, and I respect and adore you so much ! :) I really enjoy this 'new' world and I loveeee my food bloggers friends *Checked out "My Yummie Buddies" Box* ! ( I learned so much from you guys ! )

So yeah.... 10.000 visitors has quite a number for me, because I just recently active from this 2011 March *still green!* . Thank you for all the readers, I promise you a better quality of writing, food photography, and so on in the future *still work on it.

So feel free to follow my blog, and if you interested to read my new post via email, just submit your Email at "Follow Me By Email!" box at the right. And my Twitter : @iamNVL, and if you on Instagram my ID is @Nvicl ( Mostly food pics ! ) and pleaseee, let me know if you have any suggestions for making this blog better ! :p

So ... for closing this post, I will post some of my food that I cooked and I photographed, hope that you enjoy these pics ( I wish I can share the food too :p ) as much as I do.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love Him."

"Nothing is coincidence, because everything has it own purpose, including us ! "

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