

Friday, September 30, 2011

Food/Rest. Review : My Kopi - O !

Last month finally I got a chance to visit the newest mall around Serpong which is Living World. So many restaurant at the ground floor, but there's one that quite get my attention. Without too much thinking, me and my friends decided to eat at this (we could say ) kopitiam :p

Atmosphere :
The interior was nice. I love the mixed of the colorful furniture and decorations with white color. Light wood also adds the classic minimalist but elegant ambiance. Clean and casual.
Price :
IDR 50.000 - 60.000 / person.

Food :
Usually kind of 'kopitiam' restaurant only offer some light snack and food. But not for My Kopi- O! They served many kind of heavy meals and also drinks.
Ok, after looking and looking, I picked Noodle Tower Seafood - IDR 30.800. The presentation was nice. Look at the crispy deep fried noodle that look like a mini tower ! ;p The taste was quite nice, smells good and savory. Well... if you know "I Fu Mie", this one is pretty much the same. But what I love is they're using a thin noodle in this dish.

Then, Fried Rice in Crab Sauce - IDR 30.800. Again and again, I love the presentation. The fried rice shaped like a pyramid, cook in a chinese style ( without the sweet soy sauce ), then a thick sauce made with egg, sliced crab stick and Japanese seaweed underneath. Tastes nice too.

Spaghetti Mamak - IDR. 38.800. This one is quite interesting, if you know 'mie goreng' this one is pretty the same, but the different is they're using spaghetti. Even though it looks really red, it's actually not spicy.

Stirfried Noodle - IDR 30.800. Comes in a quite big portions, this dish was quite yum. Smells yum, and they're using a thin noodle.

For the drinks we order, Coffee Toffee - IDR 34.800. Tastes creamy and niceeee.

Nanyang Kopi Tarik - IDR 18.800. I loveee the bubble on top, soooo invitingggg ... :p Taste creamy but there's a lil' bit sour bitter taste in it.

Ice Dark Choco - IDR 28.800

Ice Tea Tarik - IDR 20.800

My Kopi - O !
Living World, GF Unit 35
Alam Sutera Blvd 21, Serpong
Telp. (021 ) 2923 9418

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Food/Rest. Review : Warung Babi Guling Sari Dewi - Bp. Dobiel

It's time for Bali Culinary !! Maybe many of you already familiar with the famous Babi Guling Ibu Oka ( some kind of rice mixed with roast pork ), but now I'm taking you a lil' bit out of the mainstream. Same Babi Guling, but what makes it different is Bapak Dobiel who cook it this times ;p

Atmosphere :
Just a typical local food restaurant which is sooo simple and not fancy. It's actually a home that turns to be a restaurant. Many people eat at this place, but we're not having a long queue. Bapak Dobiel himself still step in to serve the customer.

Price :
around IDR. 20.000 - IDR 35.000 / person

Food :
Just like a normal "warung" around Bali, we can just order "Nasi Campur" ( Mixed Rice ) or we can choose only the one that we like. At this time I choose not too picky and order Nasi Campur instead - IDR 30.000 ( include drinks and soup ).
The Nasi Campur is a plain rice that comes with a Shredded Pork, Crispy Pork Skin, Lawar ( Traditional Balinese Veggies ), Deep Fried Pork Liver and Pork Satay. Yes it's spicy ! and what I love is the Crispy Pork Skin that really crisp and savory, really gives the nice textures to the dish. The Pork Satay also yum ! Not like the typical Chinese pork satay that is sweet, this kind is using chili and spices.

Then the nasi campur also comes with the Soup. The soup is my fave ! Really savory and has a perfect spice in it ( even a friend of mine that doesn't like spicy food loves it. lol ) and yes, also has pork in it.

Warung Babi Guling Sari Dewi Bapak Dobiel
Jalan Srikandi No.9, Nusa Dua

Telp. (0361)771663

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew Product Launch

Last week I've been invited again by Starbucks Indonesia, to join their Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew Product Launch Event. Taking place at Annex Building, Hotel Nikko, the place already packed with the press and also several food blogger.

Before the event started, we've been served with some snack and drinks. You know what, that time I'm trying Vanilla Black Sesame Frappucino, it's my first time to be honest hahaha... At first I'm quite skeptical about the mixed between Black Sesame and Vanilla, but until when I sip in, it's actually pretty good. It's pretty unique haha...

Back to the event, Mr. Anthony Cottan as the Director of Starbucks Indonesia opening the event, then after that we've been divided into 3 groups. Each groups are going to a different booth, to taste the Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew. There's an Airplane Booth, Office Booth and Kitchen Booth. At the booth we're introduced to Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew and got a chance to taste it.

After tasting, we're back to our seats, and having some Q&A session with 3 guests which is, Greysia Polii ( Indonesian Badminton Athlete ), Jenz from Jenzcorner ( Food Blogger ) and Trinity ( Travel Enthusiast and Blogger, writer of 'The Naked Traveler' book ).

And also we've got some goodies! ( free Starbucks coupon! yay! ;p )

For more details info about Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew ( types and also the food ), you can check out my previous post here.
Last word, Thanks again to Starbucks Indonesia for inviting me. Best of luck for this upcoming new products !

Facebook : Starbucks Indonesia
Twitter : @SbuxIndonesia

Friday, September 9, 2011

Experiencing Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew

Last Thursday, Me and several food blogger was invited by Starbucks Indonesia to taste their new product which is Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew. I also asking Cindy Karmoko ( the famous Fashion Blogger. lol ) to be my plus one that day. Yes people, Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew it's finally hits Indonesia since this product already launched in US and Canada since 2009.

Taking place in Starbucks Cideng ( recently open from about 3 weeks ago, the interior was nice ! :p ), this event started with a little brief from Ms. Corry Tjong, from Starbucks Indonesia about this new Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew product. According to the name "VIA" which is an Italian word means "Road", this product takes the idea that you can enjoy fresh brewed coffee anytime and wherever you go. For an introductions in Indonesia, Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew comes in 2 types which is Colombia ( Medium ) and Italian Roast ( Extra Bold). 100% natural roasted Arabica Coffee, chemical free, and yes, comes in a pocket size, doesn't mean they're reducing the quality.

Now it comes the time for us to tasting the coffee. It is say that they're using "micro - ground" technique that makes the difference from any usual instant coffee. The textures is more powdery though, not like granules and rough. Would be perfect if you are using 20degress boiled water, not recommended to use a plain or cold water. First, I'm trying the Italian Roast type. And yes, it taste strong and bold. It's just perfect to drink at the morning to kick your day.
Then the Colombia type, this one is more less strong but has a smooth nutty flavor. I think the level of acidity is more higher than the Italian Roast.
Both of it has an unique roasted smell, but I think I love the Italian Roast more. This product would be officially sold at all Starbucks outlets from 13th September 2011 ( only at Starbucks, not in supermarkets ). The price are IDR 25.000 ( 3 servings ), and IDR 88.000 ( 12 servings).

Well..... I personally think this product is really match with the nowadays lifestyle. We need everything to be quick, instant and easy. And yeah.. I know to make a good quality cup of coffee needs a lot more attention ( perfect temperature? mugs steaming? or tools like french press or posh coffee machines? ) But sometimes we just didn't had a time for all of that, and all we want to do is just to poured boiled water into the cups, and that's it ! ( but yet we still wanna taste nice quality coffee just like we bought it from the coffee shops )

Next, not only coffee products, Starbucks Indonesia also introducing a perfect match food to accompany Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew. Mr. Suparto Siregar as the Food Manager, give us a brief of the 4 types of new food that are gonna be in stores soon. The concept is a grab and go food, so you can put in your pocket and drink it with your Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew coffee :p
First is Hollander Cake, IDR 20.000, a round almond butter tart with raspberry jam filling. The almond on the tops gives a nice texture, and the raspberry jam taste nice.

Mile, IDR 19.500, Two piece of stick butter cookies with almond and caramel on top. Crunchy, but didn't quiet taste the caramel, nice to dip in your coffee :p *well I love to dip anything in my coffee

Bond, IDR 19.500, petite cookies with a strong cinnamon taste with chocolate and raspberry filling. Taste quite unique because the mixed between cinnamon and raspberry.

Toffee Cake, IDR 14.500, a mixed of vanilla & caramel cake with streusel topping ( like crumbs ). The cake is sooooo moist and soft, it's simply delicious!

I personally love Hollander Cake and Toffee cake as my fave.

We also given some nice souvenir before we go home. At the end of the day, I had a great time there, meets new people and food bloggers friends, also had the privilege to try Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew and food before it will be go public. Thanks Corry and Starbucks Indonesia for inviting ! :)

Ah and one info too, for all of you who also wanna taste this products, just go to their outlets at 19th - 23rd September 2011, they're having "Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew Taste Experience". Check out their Facebook Pages for more info ;)

Starbucks Cideng
Jl. Tanah Abang 2 No. 76, Jakarta Pusat
Facebook : Starbucks Indonesia
Twitter : @SbuxIndonesia

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A notes from myself to YOU !!

Ola ! Did you notice that I've my changed my blog language into English? Yes I've changed it. Not because I didn't love Bahasa, but recently I've got some visitors from other countries that I think it would make them easier to understand this blog. I know my English isn't that good ( especially those grammars ), but it such a relieved that an English Teacher's friend from Australia said my English was 'understandable' LOL. So pardon for any typo and grammar thing, I promise I will work on this :) And for my Indonesian readers, I know that you guys already 'english - friendly' citizens, so I think this is not a necessary problem, isn't it ? :p

So yesterday I've got my 10.000 hits, so I'm in a lil' bit celebration mode :p A lil' flashback, I'm starting this blog at 2008, but it's not an actual food blog. It's just another life story blog. Then I have this habit of taking pictures of food that I eat then I post it on my facebook's album. I put on the name of the restaurant and the name of the dish, because I'm thinking for giving some information ( food around Jakarta ) for my friends. But then, the idea comes to mind, 'why I didn't put it on my blog ?'. So here I am, posting my first food review at 20th October 2008 !

At first, I know NOTHING about Food Blogger or Food Blogging !! I'm just writing some info that I think would be useful for visitors who see it, post a photo, done. Just as simple as that ! Then suddenly the angel came in March 2011 *lebay* . The one of the most talented food blogger from Jakarta, Jenzcorner visit my blog and see my Samwon House 's Food Review and follow my twitter ! Then the rest of it was a 'GOD - Speed' moment I could say. Big thanks to Jenz because opening this world to me, and I respect and adore you so much ! :) I really enjoy this 'new' world and I loveeee my food bloggers friends *Checked out "My Yummie Buddies" Box* ! ( I learned so much from you guys ! )

So yeah.... 10.000 visitors has quite a number for me, because I just recently active from this 2011 March *still green!* . Thank you for all the readers, I promise you a better quality of writing, food photography, and so on in the future *still work on it.

So feel free to follow my blog, and if you interested to read my new post via email, just submit your Email at "Follow Me By Email!" box at the right. And my Twitter : @iamNVL, and if you on Instagram my ID is @Nvicl ( Mostly food pics ! ) and pleaseee, let me know if you have any suggestions for making this blog better ! :p

So ... for closing this post, I will post some of my food that I cooked and I photographed, hope that you enjoy these pics ( I wish I can share the food too :p ) as much as I do.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love Him."

"Nothing is coincidence, because everything has it own purpose, including us ! "

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Food/Rest. Review : Stevan Meat Shop

It is said that Stevan Meat Shop firstly open at Pesanggrahan ( Meruya ), then at Flavor Bliss ( Alam Sutera ), and now their opening a new branch at Pantai Indah Kapuk. It's just an ordinary saturday for me, so thinking about a place to hang, me and my friends decided to dine at this place. Stevan Meat Shop is actually a Meat Shop which sold many variety of beef, sausage, fish and chicken. But, not only a place to buy meats, they also has a place to dine.

Atmosphere :
The interior is a minimalist modern type with a touch of brick walls and light wood. In PIK branch, they're has an outdoor dining area & the meat shop on the 1st floor, then an indoor dining area in second floor. That time we choose to eat at 1st floor which is an outdoor area. Not too comfortable because of the mosquitoes !

Price :
A lil' bit pricey if you go with their steak.

Food :
Even though they are having another kind of food besides steak ( which is quite affordable ), I'm interested to try their steak. So we can choose a wide variety of beef or sausage or fish or maybe chicken, then we pay it per grams. We cannot choose how many grams that we want, but mostly they cut it into around 200grams. So I'm choosing an Australian Angus Beef Ribeye Steak ( on the bill it is said 255grams and the price for 1kg is IDR 385.000) - IDR 98.175. After we choose the beef, we can choose with or without the side dish ( sauce ( yes sauce! ), veggies and potatoes ). With a side dish you have to add IDR 35.000, which I think a lil' bit too pricey for only a side dish. For a potatoes dish, I choose Potato Herbs, but since their stock is only a few, they give me an extra mashed potato.
The beef was quite tender, with a taste of herb as the seasoning. But it's not that special. What I want in a steak is an intense beef flavour which I found in this steak is a lil' bit flat. The barbeque sauce that I choose is just okay. The potato herbs, was just okay too, but it's gonna be good if the skin was a lil' bit crispy though. The veggies are so bland. Not really enjoy it. They need to put butter for taste ! Mashed potato, nice presentation but taste just okay too.

Then a friend order Beef Bockwurst Sausage ( 2 piece 27 grams ) - IDR 38.475, with a side dish adding IDR 35.000 more . The bockwurst is quite long, but taste just okay too.

Dory Fish ( 32 grams ) - IDR 25.600, with a side dish adding IDR.35.000 more. The fish was really- really soft, and taste like an egg ( lol ). Well.... I just think that dory fish doesn't go well with the grilled. It's better fried ;p

For the drinks, just a standard Ice Lemon Tea - IDR. 10.000.

A lil' bit later Ruby from Wanderbites, joining me for the dinner and he order the Barramundi Fish ( an Australian fish ) which turns into a so - so dish too. Well overall, I thought the food here taste only so- so and just okay. Not having the WOW Factor that makes me wants to come back ( because I have already taste a better place to eat steak with those price ). But I think I will give a second chance for their 'other' menu like nasi goreng wagyu or wagyu spaghetti. We'll see ! ;)

Jl. Mediterania Indah Golf,
Rukan Crown Golf Mediterania blok A No.08
Pantai Indah Kapuk.