

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Beware of FAKE Au PAir Families

cerita bermula dari seseorang bernama bapak Harris, mengirimkan sebuah message lewat friendster. Disana dia menawarkan untuk ikutan program Au Pair, yaitu sebuah program seperti Live In di luar negri tapi kita kaya kerja dirumahnya, jadi anggota keluarganya and dibayar pula.
Awalnya saya langsung hah? ada ya yg kaya gitu?
and langsung terfikir... Boleh juga...

Akhirnya rasa penasaran mulai menjadi-jadi.. Mulai deh buka google and cari-cari info ttg Au PAir.
Wah... ternyata au pair itu emang exist!
Kebetulan ketemu salah satu web yg bisa bikin account kita disana, and nanti profile kita bisa disearch sama keluarga-keluarga yang butuh Au PAir. Lumayan lah .. subscribe gratis and nyoba peruntungan =p

Gak berapa lama setelah saya buat account, tiba-tiba sudah ada email yg masuk dan berbunyi seperti ini.
"From: Subject : BE OUR AUPAIR
Message : Hello Au pair, We are family, we got to see your profile at the au and we find it interesting so we decided to contact to take care of our kid. We will take care of your flight ticket,visa and other relevant document, but afraid you will take care of your work permit fee. Please if you are okay with it do contact us directly to this email address.... this is my personal email,contact me with it. Looking forward to hear from you. my mobile number......+44 702 4038 754 Regards....Peter Johnson.

This message is sent to you by family peter. Click here to view the profile of peter"

Saya langsung..........woooowwww.... koq cepet banget yah?
tapi ada rasa deg-degan juga, ini beneran apa bukan sih?
akhirnya saya balas emailnya& langsung nyari info lebih lagi ttg au pair.
Setelah baca-baca di forum2,
akhirnya dapat info2 ttg Au pair tuh ada yang anggep sperti Nanny, mungkin karna job desknya mostly merawat anak keluarga tersebut.
katanya sih Au pair itu sebuah program bantuan bagi warga negara-negara yg sedang berkembang.Jadi kita bisa tinggal dirumah mereka, dianggep anggota keluarga, dibawa jalan-jalan keluarga,dsb dan digaji. Bahkan dari satu forum diKaskus, ada loh orang indonesia yang ikutan Au Pair sampai dibiayain kuliah sampe S3, walaupun dia uda ga Au Pair dikeluarga tersebut.
Lucky banget tuh orang!
Tapi banyak juga penipuan yg dilakukan oleh mostly orang-orang dari Afrika.
Yah.. bagi saya sih... sesuatu yg ada diinternet itu belum tentu dapat dipercaya.
JAdi kita harus extra hati-hati.

Balik lagi ke email dari keluarga Mr. Peter Johnson tadi. Akhirnya dia mengirimkan email yang ke2 yg berbunyi

It was nice to get to hear from you,I also think you have a great sense of humor and good personality so I have considered hiring you for your services. However as regards your flight ticket that will be handled by me and also some other relevant documents you might be needing to proceed into the UK,but you have to take care of your work permit fees nothing much I presume.

So if you agree with these terms please let me know so that I can have my lawyer issue you your contract/invitation letter and also all the necessary details on how to obtain your traveling papers..

But first let me tell you a little bit about my family,

We are down to earth people not arrogant,we respect our employees opinion very much,our kid is the most adorable thing on the face of the earth we love him so much and so will you I hope.We are also easy going people my wife and I.

I leave for work early in the morning 7.30am,about the same time my wife does,my kid attend school leave at 8.30am come back by 1.00pm.
The family does a lot of outings,we go hiking sometimes my wife and I,also to the beach together the whole family.we are a religious family,so we also attend services every Wednesdays & Sundays.

peter Johnson
For the family."

Waduh... dari emailnya seperti menunjukkan family yg sangat baik yah...
Alhasil saya sempat beritahu kakak dan mama saya soal ini, membicarakan saya akan pergi atau tidak.
Lanjut ke email ke 3
" Hello,

As regards your e-mail, my family and I stay in London ; I am a pilot while my wife is a medical doctor. Your mine duty is the due care of my kid and a little house work.

You are required to be here by 28 of December or first week of January 2009.hope is okay with you.

I have asked my lawyer to send you a contract letter and details on how you will obtain your work permit and travel documents.

Regards……………peter Johnson."

Setelah banyak berdoa menyerahkan semuanya pada Tuhan YME, akhirnya saya mendapatkan email dari lawyernya yang semakin meyakinkan saya bahwa............


Inilah emailnya....


How are you doing? After talking with my client, he has authorized me to send you this email.
I am attaching herewith a Contract/Invitation Letter from Mr.Peter Johnson, for you to
go through. If you accept, you would have to sign and date at the
bottom and send a scanned copy to me as e-mail attachment.

Information For Travel.

Your employer went to the UK Immigrations Office here in London to
inform them about his decision to employ you and to also seek their
approval/permit as they are the legal authorities vested with the
power to permit/approve foreign workers.

You have to contact them
immediately you sign the contract letter. Send a copy to them and
also request them to furnish you with details of how you can get
your work permit and travel documents.
Here are their contact details:You have to contact them immediately.

Uktravels & Tours Agency
5 -11 Lavington Street...
London. SE1 0NZ

Phone: +447031835707
Send them an e-mail Immediately with a copy of the signed contract letter and
they would get in touch with you so that you can travel down
soonest to resume duties..

Best Regards
Barr. Maxwell"

Gimana taunya itu palsu??

Sesuai tips-tips yang saya dapet dari forum-forum, untuk mengetahui, dipastikan dahulu alamat-alamatnya beneran exist apa tidak.

akirnya saya coba tuh nge check Uktravels & Tours Agency
5 -11 Lavington Street...
London. SE1 0NZ

Phone: +447031835707
Email: di internet.

And ternyata uda ada postingan yang mengatakan Uktravels & Tours Agency itu adalah FAKE


Langsung lemesss deh... Impian bisa pergi ke UK pun sirna.huhu...

Nyebelin banget yah penipu-penipu itu. Mereka gak tau apa, dengan berbuat gitu uda memupuskan impian banyak orang!

Yah... saya sih berharap orang- orang bisa baca blog ini, dan buat yang pernah dapet email seperti diatas,

sudah dapat dipastikan itu fake! Yah.. Untungnya ya gak sampe ketipu ngirimin uang sih, tapi yah tetep aja nyebelin.

1 comment:

  1. hai hai,,,excuse me,,mau tanya, aku tadi malem dapet email jadi aupair kan, dan dia minta resume sm photo2 saya gitu,,tp anehnya dia lgsg ngirim email tanpa add saya sebelumnya di web aupair,,kira2 itu email scam bukan yah? any suggestion?
